Pray for Vroom Street Church
In an effort to unite our prayers as a community, Pastor Bill wanted to publish requests you can bring to the Father on behalf of the church. Thank you for joining us in prayer!
- Pray for people to come to Christ, both through the witness of our people and through the Gods Word preached here on Sundays and online.
- Pray of the missionaries/ministries that our church supports.
- Pray through our church directory. As you do; pray for marriages and families. Pray for the salvation of those who don't know Christ, pray that each family member will grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and pray for protection of our children.
- Pray for health, strength, growth, encouragement, and wisdom of our ministry leaders and our ministries, pray especially our church board members and our new chairman, Craig O'Donnell.
- Pray for healthy, spiritually nourishing relationships to flourish through out our church.
- Pray that all who attend Vroom St. Church will feel welcomed and would come to Christ if they don’t know Him and grow as servants of Christ and disciple-making disciples, if they do know Jesus.
- Pray for God call some for our church to devote their lives to reaching the unreached.
- Pray for adequate finances, for the physical plant, for our After School Center, ESL program, and July Jamboree (our summer program for kids ages 5-12).
- Pray that our worship services would be marked by sincere, wholehearted worship in spirit and in truth and the sound teaching of God’s Word.