Covid19 / Coronavirus Updates from Pastor Bill


July 8, 2020

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

The past few months have been a very difficult season for our nation, the church, and the world.  Some members of our church family have lost loved ones and several have recovered after testing positive from the corona-virus.  On top of that, the killing of George Floyd has given rise to massive protests against police misconduct and systemic issues of injustice and racism.  Our country seems to be engulfed in strife and the impact of COVID19 will likely be with us for years to come.

As a rule, most of us appreciate security.  Yet the reality of our world is that a lot of insecurity and instability exists; for example, finances, health, and our country’s ability to weather these current storms.  When our foundation is shaken, we feel overwhelmed.

Sometimes Satan causes the difficulty—with God’s permission, of course.  At other times, challenging circumstances are brought about by the Lord’s hand.  Regardless of the source, we have the promise in Romans 8:28 that “…we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  In either case, the Lord’s purpose will always remain; to glorify himself; both in our lives and in His world.

There are different reasons the Lord permits turmoil, but for now, let’s focus on one: God won’t allow anything that enables us to become self-sufficient.  Therefore, he lovingly allows enough trouble and turmoil to help us realize our deep need of Him.  Consider the trials the Israelites faced each time they turned away from God to worship other gods.  In many ways, we do the same thing today.  Individually, in our churches, and as a nation, we often glorify ‘gods’ like money, security, or status.   But the Lord who created us and redeems us will not tolerate this.

In our pride, we tend to think we’re able to manage without God.  But out of love, He stirs up our lives to reveal our need to depend upon and trust in Him all the more.  If you are basing your security on anything except Jesus Christ— even something as seemingly innocent as comfort—it will prove to be sinking sand.  Christ alone is our living hope, see 1 Peter 1:3-7.

This past Sunday we reopened for worship for the first time in almost four months!  We are sanitizing, wearing masks, and practicing social distancing.  We invite you to join us, either in person or by Live Stream at 11:00am.  We haven’t resumed any other ministry at church for now.

Let’s continue to pray for healing and safety.  The Lord is giving us an amazing opportunity in the midst of this crisis, to point people, who may be living in fear and without hope, to the hope and forgiveness found only in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you for remaining faithful to our mission: to Impact Jersey City and beyond by living and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. William Sweeting, Pastor

July 5, 2020

Some re-opening pictures!

July 1, 2020

Greetings in Christ: Please watch the short video (link above) about regathering for worship this coming Sunday, July 5th at 11:00am. We will be following the guidelines to make things as safe as we can. We know that some are not ready to come back and you can continue to join from your home by Live Stream or by phone. I am so grateful for your commitment to live for Jesus and to demonstrate and proclaim the Gospel! I look forward to seeing some of you this Sunday. Click on the following YouTube link to view the video.

God bless,

Pastor Bill

June 21, 2020

We are getting ready to re-open on Sunday, July 5th! ! For those of you more comfortable staying home, we will still have the live stream. See all details in flyer below and make sure you share!


June 14, 2020

Many of the national and statewide restrictions on gatherings are slowly lifting, but we still want to be wise in the way we open up our church. We have put together guidelines for you and us to follow, but we also want to hear from you about how you feel before we reopen. Please check out both below.

April 9, 2020

This is week 3 of stay in place and I know we’re all a bit stressed and anxious about this coronavirus… our remedy to worry and anxiety is God’s Word and prayer.

Phil 4:6-7 says: “Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Not being anxious or worried about anything may seem impossible especially now! But, it's possible if we turn our worries into prayers!

Please join our Live Stream Good Friday service on  April 10th at 7:30pm.  We will be sharing communion - If you want to participate prepare at home by having grape juice and bread available.  

We meet again by Live Stream at 11:00am.  On Easter Sunday on April, 12th.  Get the word out and encourage your family, neighbors, and friends to join us!

(Pastor also listed a number of church prayer requests, which for privacy reasons we will not post here, but please pray for all those who have lost loved ones during this time).

Ask God for opportunities to share and show the grace, love, hope, and peace of Christ to those who don't know him! And let's continue to pray for God's hand of grace and mercy on our nation and people, in the midst of all that's going on now. "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts..." Colossians 3:15a

Love, Pastor Bill & Katie

March 29, 2020

This coronavirus is a game changer but remember this- we know a sovereign God who NEVER changes!  Malachi 3:6 says: "I the Lord do not change. So you descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed."

Because of the truth of God's unchanging character, our hope, faith, and trust in the Lord, is a sure foundation for us in this crisis! 

Let's continue to worship, hear from God's Word, and pray for one another!  Let's ask God for opportunities to share and show the grace, love, forgiveness, and peace of Christ to those who don't know him!  And let's continue to pray for God's hand of grace and mercy on our nation and people, in the midst of all that's going on now.

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts..."  Colossians 3:15a


Pastor Bill & Katie 

March 19, 2020

Service canceled for 3/15 & 3/22 because of Coronavirus. LIVESTREAM planned for Sundays at 11:00am!

Prayer call every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm. Call (515) 606-5187. The pin is #917947.

March 18, 2020

Vroom St. Church Family: Greetings in Christ.  The coronavirus has brought us into a season of unique challenges and opportunities.  In this time of fear and uncertainty I want to remind you that the Lord is our source of strength, protection, and provision. 

I will be sending out updates and communicating with you mostly digitally.  Be sure to check your email and our church website and Facebook page every day.

- We are planning to Livestream the sermon this coming Sunday, March 22nd at 11:00am.  You should receive a link with information by Friday, March 20th.

Parents of children PK-12: Scholastic has created a wonderful free online resource center called, 'Learn At Home' .  You can access it by typing in your browser- scholastic learn at home.

Attached are two good resources from Good Grief in pdf:

1) 35 Fun Things to Do At Home  

2) Tips For Reducing Isolation

AARP is doing a Coronavirus Q & A- Especially for those 60 years or older: Health & Scams Conference call tomorrow- Thursday, March 19th at 1:00pm.  Call toll free at 855-274-9507 at 1:00pm.  Join AARP and federal experts for a special Coronavirus Q&A Event.  Distinguished guests will share the latest information about the coronavirus pandemic, including how to protect yourself from scams.  Callers will be able to ask questions during the event.

Please call into our Prayer Call every Wednesday night from 7:30pm – 8:30pm

Dial: (515) 606-5187 and Enter Access Code: 971974#

Our Church will be open Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 6:00pm for prayer, study, and reflection.  I will be here at those times.

Please know that Katie and I are praying for you day by day.  I encourage you to continue to trust in God's faithfulness within your family and before your neighbors and friends.  Look for opportunities to pray and share with them, the love and hope that we find only in the Lord Jesus Christ.  May the Lord strengthen us with His grace, mercy, and love.  "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts..." Colossians 3:15a

In Christ,

Pastor Bill

March 17, 2020

March 14, 2020

Church Canceled Due to Coronavirus Concerns

Vroom St. Church Family:

We have decided to cancel Sunday worship and all other activities at the church, including our ESL and After School Center ministries, until further notice.

We made this decision prayerfully, wanting to err on the side of caution and out of love for one another and our community, concerning the current covid-19 crisis.

I’ll be exploring, with our church board, how we can maintain our church body life and creatively ​‘continue to meet together’​, as well as continue to impact others with the gospel, in the midst of this crisis. This includes possibly doing sermons digitally, small home meetings, and connecting and meeting by conference calls or Zoom etc.

As this crisis is occurring around the world, it’s easy to allow fear and anxiety to take control in our lives. But God’s Word repeatedly exhorts us not to fear, not to be anxious, and not to worry.
- In Isaiah 41:10a, the Lord says to His people: ​“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...”

- In Matthew 6:25 Jesus says, ​“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...”
- The Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:6: ​“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

We overcome our worry and anxious hearts by turning to and trusting, the Lord, our God in the midst of the crisis. In the meantime I want to suggest that you continue to do three things​:
1. ​Pray​! Pray for God’s gracious hand on our community, nation, and the world— and especially for those who

have already been impacted directly by this virus.

2. ​Encourage​! I love what Hebrews 10:24 says, ​“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

Let’s encourage, connect, and spur one another on towards love and good deeds with each other, our families, neighbors, and friends, with phone calls, texts and emails etc.

3. ​Worship​! Spend time daily in worship and in the Word. I encourage you to pursue the Lord for His peace during this time and seek Him in prayer and in God’s Word.

You may continue to give by mailing your tithes/offering to the church. An online giving option should be available soon. We’ll keep you posted on that. If you need assistance or have a prayer need, please let me know. You can call or text me at (201) 725-3074.

God is on the throne and challenging times always provide great opportunities for us to pursue our mission and share the hope and truth of the gospel. Please know that I am praying for all of you, as well. May we be a voice of comfort and reason trusting the Lord and His faithfulness in these unique times.

Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Bill