Rev. William Sweeting

IMG_0639Rev. William Sweeting has served as the Senior Pastor of Vroom Street Church since June 2006.  He and his wife Katie felt God's call on their lives to move to New Jersey and serve alongside the members of Vroom Street Church.  The diversity and friendliness of the Vroom Street congregation attracted him, and his gifts to preach and teach the Word of God have ministered to the church.  Prior to coming to New Jersey, he served as the Pastor of Leverich Memorial Church from 1987 until December 2002.  

Born and raised in Queens, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education from Queens College in 1980.  Rev. Sweeting trusted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in 1976 while attending Queens College.

After coming to Christ he became involved in the campus ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF), serving in various capacities, including the executive committee.  In the summer of 1979 he had the privilege of going to Kenya, East Africa, as a short term missionary with InterVarsity’s Student Training in Missions Program. Rev. Sweeting went on to serve on staff with IVCF first as a Campus Staff Member , and later as Area Director over a span of 10 years. With a heart for students, by God’s grace, he was able to minister to and disciple students through Bible studies, training conferences, one-to-one counseling, and by the example of his own walk with Christ. 

Rev. Sweeting received his call from God in 1980, and was ordained to the gospel ministry under the pastorate of Rev. Floyd H. Flake in 1985 at Allen AME Church, where he had served and been discipled for 11 years.  Rev. Sweeting joined the ministerial staff of Allen A.M.E. Church for six years.  In addition to ongoing ministry, training and preaching opportunities, he served as the Sunday School Superintendent, taught the New Members Class, and was an instructor in the church’s Bible Institute from its inception.


In April 1998, Rev. Sweeting joined the staff of Prison Fellowship Ministries, serving as the coordinator of the Starting Line evangelistic outreach project on Rikers Island.  This temporary position became a permanent one, and he was hired as a Field Director in the New York Ministry Support Center where he worked with pastors and churches, and the DOC in establishing and nurturing prison ministry, family ministry and aftercare ministry.  He was also responsible for developing and supporting teams of volunteers who minister holistically to the incarcerated, ex-offenders, and their families.

Rev. Sweeting married Katie O’Connell in March 1983, and they are the parents of three sons:  Joshua, Timothy and Benjamin.